Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Entry #12 - 3 more quick reads



Hello and welcome to anyone reading!

Continuing with the  series of quick 3 card reads


The querant provided the number to cut the cards at, and below is the question, what I pulled, and my response…


“Will he contact me again”

Positions assigned as follows; 1: will he contact her, 2: are his intentions good, 3: what does she need to know about what will happen next.

Since the page of wands is the messenger, I’d say that’s a yes; he will reach out, and when he does, he will be under the impression that it will be good news for my querant (she may or may not feel differently about that). 


On his intentions, queens are healers & cups heals you emotionally, so I would read this to say that his intention will be to right past wrongs and make things good between them again.


With what she needs to know coming up as the seven of swords, this tells me that even though his intentions might hit all the right notes, his character holds at least some degree of capacity for betrayal, deception & stealth; contact with this individual may not be in her best interest in the long run.



“Will I get the raise I’m seeking”

Positions were assigned as “yes/no” and then 2&3 were “What else does the querant need to know”. 


I love these cards for this question!! I think there's a strong chance they're getting that raise, and their boss WANTS them to get it, but there may be other external factors impacting whether the employer can make it happen for them,...but even if they don't get it, I think this is very clearly saying that whatever comes next for my querant will bring the money and career advancement they're looking for; seems like absolutely fabulous tidings to me!


“Does M like me”

Set up the positions as “does M like her physically”, “does M like her intellectually”, and “is M in the market for a relationship”


When it comes to physical relationship questions, knights are strong indicators of a yes…and of the knights, this guy is the most stable…but, knights usually represent temporary things that move quickly through our lives, so a relationship with M might not be something that is a forever scenario.


In the 2nd position, the devil card could be saying that M’s a bit obsessed with a specific facet of her intellectual side (that could be good or bad), or might indicate that M’s allowing doubts about his/her ability to hold their own with her intellectually to keep them from making a move.  If she has a strong personality, if she is in a more advanced position career-wise, or if there’s something else that might have M thinking the querant “outranks” him/her a bit, my querant may have to be the one who makes the first move if she want something to happen.


What better card could there be for “is M in the market for a relationship”? (that is, assuming my querant wants a relationship)  This seems like a hard yes on M wanting the whole “Fulfillment, harmony and domestic happiness” package…but in combination with the cards from the first two positions, I would read this to say that M’s wanting an idealized relationship situation that his/her real world relationships are always going to come up short against by comparison. 


So to sum it up, yes, I think M likes her…but based on these cards, I think the path she’s currently on with M is more “summer fling” material than something that would stand the test of time. 






Disagree with the reads?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot


Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 



Friday, May 24, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Entry #11 - Will I pass my driving test?

Hello and welcome to anyone reading!

I'm going to do a series of quick 3 card reads from querants on a tarot FB group I belong to – the first question was "Will I pass my driving exam next week?"

The querant provided the number to cut the cards at, and below is what I pulled…

Here's my response to the question…The magician is ALL ABOUT action - it's a reminder that you have the resourcefulness, talent & determination to make things happen; it's saying that in regards to your driving test, you're going to need to assert your will (prepare!!) – and as long as you take the actions necessary (study/practice!) you ABSOLUTELY CAN cause the things you want to happen, so you've got this! 

Tens are considered karmic cards, and they represent nearing the completion of a specific phase of your journey (after which a new phase begins, of course) – specifically the ten of pentacles is about contentment & security; in this case, I'd say it's standing for success achieved in this test; another excellent sign that you're going to do fabulously well!

Fours are about stability, and the four of wands is about collaboration, joy, celebration & harmony. You could read it as another positive sign, but it could also be telling you that before you take your test you may want to do a little collaborating as you prepare; seek out a friend or relative who can do some practice work with you, and be prepared to celebrate with them when all goes well!!

All in all, I'm reading this as excellent news that you are headed in the right direction to pass your test.  Let me know how it goes!

Disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I'd love to hear from you.

Wishing you all a most blessed day!
Paula @ FibonacciTarot

Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Entry #10 - If you're looking for a sign...




Hello and welcome to anyone reading!


Today’s question is from another querant looking for a sign; she wants to know if this is the right time to make a change and leave what sounds like a pretty passionate and tumultuous relationship.


There’s a quote I think of whenever someone is looking for signs;


And this is SO often the case with tarot querants.  They know the answer they want to hear, they know the answer that’s right, and when those two things are different (or they’re not ready), they just want someone/something else to be responsible, so that they can pretend they didn’t make the decision themselves.  This is not a good path to go down.  So rather than just pull a card and say “yes” or “no” - and with all the usual disclaimers - I worked with the querant to ask some more useful questions that might help her get some insight into what she’s feeling right now.


I cleared and shuffled the deck, and have assigned the positions as follows:

            Card #1 – If she chooses to stay, what does she need to know to give her the best chance of making things work?

            Card #2 – If she chooses to leave, what does she need to know to exit the relationship in the healthiest way possible?

            Card #3 – For her long term health and happiness, what is the most important thing for her to know/do in the next 6 months?


And the cards drawn are:



Overall, we have 2 major arcane cards (signifying that this is an important moment in her life, and that the choices she is making now will have real impact on her future), and a wand, which represent things that you make happen; wands are almost always cards of taking action.


Card #1… Judgement

The question was “If she chooses to stay, what does she need to know to give her the best chance of making things work?”


The judgement card in its’ traditional sense is about receiving judgement; it typically includes some grave imagery, to speak to the impossibility of avoiding final judgement.  Specific to this question, it’s very representative of the crossroads my querant is at.  She needs to make a life-changing decision, and the judgement card is telling her that if this is the one she’s making (to stay), she’ll need to USE her judgement and trust in her intuition and life experiences to guide her in handling the situation.  The card imagery is also speaking to a rebirth; I believe it’s saying that if she stays, she needs to be willing to put in the hard work of providing her S.O. with honest & fair feedback, and holding her ground on the things that matter to her most.  I don’t know that the message here is one that says that the relationship itself is 100% salvageable, but I do believe it’s indicating that if she needs to stay to give herself more time to make sure the decision is right, that no matter what her final choice in the longer term is, there is a path to a new future for her.



Card #2… The Eight of Wands

The question was “If she chooses to leave, what does she need to know to exit the relationship in the healthiest way possible?”


Wands are all about the things we make happen, the magic that comes from within ourselves, and this may be the most wandy of the the wand cards; the primary message in the eight of wands is one of driving change, speed, and most importantly, unity; it reminds us that great things can be accomplished when everything is moving in the same direction.  Specific to this question, I think this is a crystal clear message; if leaving is the path she chooses, she needs to 100% commit to her decision, make a clean and immediate break, and distance herself from the past situation.  If the relationship is going to end, the healthiest thing for her (and probably for her S.O. as well) is to get out and move on with her life; no booty calls, no getting convinced to get together to talk about things, no allowing guilt or the past to sneak in and divert her attention from moving forward. 


Card #3… Temperance


The question was “For her long term health and happiness, what is the most important thing for her to know/do in the next 6 months?”


The temperance card tells us to get to a place of balance, moderation & patience; it’s a sign that now is a time to seek out healing and quiet composure.  I think it’s interesting from an imagery perspective that both of the first two cards show such strong movement towards the stopping point of Temperance at the right side; given that my querant is feeling out of control right now, this makes so much sense. 


If my querant chooses to stay in this relationship, the message to take from Temperance is to manage things carefully; this is not a time to initiate big emotional scenarios or to add drama to an already tense situation.  She should work on finding the compromises that will allow her to be happy and healthy, and work to diffuse their arguments rather than adding fuel to the fire.  


If she is choosing to leave, the message here would be to invest the time and effort in becoming comfortable on her own and figuring out what she really wants from life and her next lover before jumping into a new relationship.  In either case, I would suggest that she focus calmly and with great deliberation and control on herself and her needs at this point in her life, and then figure out how to shape the world around her into one she can be both happy and successful in.



Disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot


Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 



Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Entry #9 - Is this mechanic going to rip me off?

Hello and welcome to anyone reading!
Today’s question is from a querant having electrical problems & about to work with a local guy he’s never used before – he asks “Is this mechanic going to rip me off"?

I wrote my initial response to this, and then felt compelled to come back to it.  I haven't been posting my disclaimer information here on the blog (my live/written to client reads do include it), and I feel like I should probably discuss that here for a moment.

Specific to this question, in a nutshell, my disclaimer is this: no matter what the cards might say, when it comes to people and how they're treating you, YOU hold the responsibility for deciding if it's right - not the cards, not the universe, not a magic 8 ball.  The tarot - or any other external source you might pose questions to - is NEVER a replacement for personal responsibility and accountability. 

I cannot tell the future, and although I sincerely enjoy & have invested a tremendous amount of study into reading the cards, I believe it is in most cases highly unlikely the universe speaks directly through them.  IF the divine does occasionally push a message to us, it presents one possible path that exists in one moment in time - but there are so many constantly evolving decision points around us, only some of which are within our control...nothing in my heart, mind or soul believes that there is one and only one pre-determined path that absolutely MUST come to fruition for each of us.

Tarot cards ARE a fabulous tool for gaining a new perspective on a question, and a wonderful way to open up a conversation to new ideas...but if you think someone is or might be about to rip you off, no matter what the cards say, YOU need to do your homework.  Go on-line and read reviews on the person/business.  Ask them to provide references.  Get a second opinion before you commit to spending a significant amount of money.  YOU are responsible for your choices.  YOU are accountable for your decisions.  I am nothing more than a charlatan with a deck of playing cards. Make your choices wisely.

That said, I cleared and shuffled the deck, and for this one have assigned the positions as follows:
            Card #1 – Does this mechanic know what he’s doing?
            Card #2 – Is he going to overcharge the querant?
            Card #3 – Will the electrical problems be fully solved after the work is done?
And the cards drawn are:
Card #1… The Ace of cups
The question here was “Does this mechanic know what he’s doing?”.
Aces represent new beginnings, and often new relationships – as a general rule, Aces are a positive sign; they tell us we have an opportunity to start something new & if you embrace the challenges and enjoy the process you're headed for success.   The Ace of Cups specifically represents new beginnings with an emotional or spiritual component – in a love reading, I’d be telling the querant to keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities for love, compassion and/or creativity.  In this case, as the querant is dealing with a local mechanic that he hasn’t worked with before, I would take the ace here as a sign that this is a person worth doing business with and that good things will come from it – he doesn’t work for a well known, branded chain, and it’s quite possible this card is a signal to expect that his methods or business style may be a bit unorthodox, but the tarot is telling us he knows what he’s doing; his work is solid and trustworthy.
Card #2…The King of cups
The question here was “Is he going to overcharge the querant?”.
As mentioned yesterday, Kings are leaders and teachers; they lend strength to those around them.   The King of Cups calms turbulent waters; he’s the most aware of our kings that small decisions can create expanding ripples and have broader impact than expected.  When we see the King of Cups, it’s a sign that this is a time to be calm, creative, confident and strong (and he’s often an indication that this is an issue on which we should seek spiritual guidance – but I don’t think that’s necessarily going to help us on this question! J ).   I think we can interpret the answer as the mechanic being the King of Cups; smart enough to understand that pricing his work fairly will keep customers returning to him, and ensure that they recommend him to friends and family; as such, I believe the answer is no, he is not going to overcharge.
Card #3 … The Seven of wands
And our last position was “Will the electrical problems be fully solved after the work is done?”.   
The Seven of Wands is the card of the underdog.  It indicates there’s already been a battle here, but despite frustrating and overwhelming odds, victory can be the querants if he is willing to work at it.  Unfortunately, I suspect that this might mean there’s an additional challenge to be overcome; there may be more to the issue than he’s hoping, or the timeline of the work may not be as immediate as he’d like –and I suspect a bit of patience with the mechanic’s process may be required (sometimes the fight under discussion is the internal one to stay calm and collected when we’re frustrated with things) - but when the work is done, this tells us yes, the problem will be fully solved.

Disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.
Wishing you all a most blessed day!
Paula @ FibonacciTarot
Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Entry #8 - What is preventing me from moving ahead at work?



Hello and welcome to anyone reading!


Today’s question is from a querant who asks “What is preventing me from moving ahead at work"?


I cleared and shuffled the deck, and for this one have assigned the positions as follows:

            Card #1 – What about my querants personality is holding them back?

            Card #2 – What about the way my querant works is holding them back?

            Card #3 – What does he need to change in the way he communicates?


And the cards drawn are:


Card #1…The King of wands

The question here was “What about my querants personality is holding them back?” … Kings are leaders and teachers; they lend strength to those around them, and wands  represent what you fight for, or what you make happen.  This tells me my querant is a leader, an entrepreneur & a visionary person.  He is confident and forceful in pursuit of his goals.  He’s dramatic, daring & bold…and unafraid to rock the boat.  These are great things for people who are in a position of leadership, but – and this is speaking from my professional career as opposed to my work as a tarot reader – these are things that can *at times* be truly exhausting in an employee.  This card in this position is a signal that if he wants to advance, his best options would be to look for a new role or company where those skills are more valued at his level, or to really work on choosing his moments to bring out that passion and strength in his current role, and focus on tempering how he’s choosing to address his ideas with his managers/co-workers; perhaps he’s coming across as TOO strong, TOO opinionated, and not working well with others as a team player.  If his relationship with his boss is good, I would suggest having a direct and honest conversation about the boss’s needs and expectations and how to move things forward in a positive way.


Card #2…The Ten of cups

The question here was “What about the way my querant works is holding them back?”. Tens are considered karmic cards, and they represent nearing the completion of a specific phase of your journey (after which a new phase begins, of course); when they appear, it’s a message to think about what you’re putting into the universe from a “your soul is a mirror” kind of perspective.  The ten of cups specifically is about fulfillment, harmony & belonging and domestic (or in this case, we can assume office) happiness.  In combination with the first card, I read this as a continuation of that message.  I think this is a good sign that my querant is actually close to achieving part of the things he wants to achieve, but first he needs to work on building that sense of community and harmony with the people he’s interacting with.  I’m going to guess he prefers to work alone, and by reaching out to connect with others and working more as part of a team and less as an individual contributor he’ll impress the folks up the ladder more.


Card #3 …The Devil

And our last position was “What does he need to change in the way he communicates?”.   The Devil is an interesting card on a communication style position.  The Devil card isn’t about the devil in the biblical sense, but is about things that tie you down, emotionally, spiritually, or physically – in many cases it represents addiction, obsession or unhealthy relationships – but in all cases are bonds that only we can choose to release ourselves from.


From a communication perspective, this would be a signal that my querant is or stays too focused on things, that he may be dismissive of truths that he knows but would rather not know, or that he may be blaming something (a scapegoat/devil) for his problems (it’s not me, it’s my boss/co-workers/company), rather than owning that he is the cause.  This card here tells me he needs to take a hard look at how he communicates with others, and probably should invest time in more carefully thinking through what he says/writes before he expresses it, to make sure he’s not being passive-aggressive, refusing to let go when it’s not helpful to stay on a topic, or playing the blame game instead of working on how to move things forward in a positive way.


Whenever the Devil card comes up, I think of the message in the screen shot below.  We’ve all made errors in our lives – no one advances to adulthood without screwing a few things up.  We are all broken in various ways, and we all have our own personal devils in the things that we should (or wish we could) change or do differently.  The important question is not whether or not you have any flaws.  The question that matters is what are you going to do about them?  What are the choices you can make today that make you stronger and more beautiful because of the cracks, rather than in spite of them? 


So my final advice to my querant is to open himself up to honest feedback from the people at the office he’s having challenges with, refuse to get defensive and really hear what they’re saying, and make a decision to stay and move towards becoming the employee his company needs him to be to succeed there, or get working on moving on to someplace else that’s more suited to the way he is before he allows the current situation to make him bitter and angry.




Disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot


Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 



Thursday, May 9, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Entry #7 - What signs should I look for, so I know if he's "The One"?



Hello and welcome to anyone reading!


Today we have a new read to do, from a querant who asks What signs should I look for, so I know if he's "The One"?


I cleared and shuffled the deck, and am not assigning positions on this one; it’ll be a straight 3 card read, with each card answering that same question.


And the cards drawn are:




Card #1…The Three of wands

Threes are powerful spiritual numbers, symbolizing connection and strength; the three of wands is all about that connection moving things forward; it stands for exploration & foresight, stepping back from the immediate and taking the long view; and in most reads it means you're likely coming up on some bargaining / negotiation, and you have the position of power.  So what does that mean with regards to whether or not someone is “The one”?  I’d start with the connection; being really analytical about it, and removing fear of the unknown or of being alone from the equation… is he someone you can truly see yourself spending the rest of your life with?  Without struggling to do it, can you name three things about him that you see as the cornerstones you can build a good and happy life on?  If not, he’s not the one.   The position of power thing is interesting.  A very long time ago, my grandmother said to me that you “should always marry someone who loves you more than you love them, because then you always have the power in the relationship”.  I don’t think I’ve ever hated a sentence more.  Love isn’t about balance of power, and if you’re treating it like it is, you don’t love him.  When you have differing opinions, how do you resolve them?  Do you love him enough to put his needs first?  Does he love you enough to do the same?  Think over the last time you disagreed on how to handle something…if you extrapolate that out, if the something was a REALLY important something, are you going to be ok with the way you communicate and resolve things?  Did he treat you with love and respect while you worked out the disagreement?  If yes, he may be the one! 

Card #2……The Six of swords

Sixes are cards of harmony in the tarot deck & the six of swords is about a journey; a transition or rite of passage.  It frequently indicates you've been struggling with something and relief will come through a transition.  I think the sign here would be an actual journey – take a trip!  It doesn’t have to be around the world; it could be as simple as a road trip, although you’ll want at least one overnight; it could be sleeping in a tent or in a friends guest room, so doesn’t have to have big out of pocket costs (although of course, if you’re in the position to splurge, travel is almost always a good place to spend excess cash!).  The ability to travel together harmoniously and enjoy the adventure is a huge sign of a healthy and positive relationship – something always goes differently than expected when on the road, and it’s good to know if your reactions to those little misadventures (which are a constant part of life) work well together!  A first trip is a huge rite of passage in a relationship, and a great way to get some perspective on your long term probabilities.


Card #3 …The Fool

The fool represents us being at the start of a journey or phase in our life; we have the tools we need to move forward, but we may not yet know what exactly it is that we'll need as we move further down the path.   The fool in response to this question would say that sign you should look for is whether he is going to be there with you to embrace the surprises in life, if he can make the decision that you're going have fun with whatever happens and use each day as an opportunity to bring light into your life?  This and the card above would indicate to me that my querant needs a man in her life who is optimistic & joyful, so she should question whether the man she’s considering fits those criteria.  You don’t want to marry a fool in the traditional sense of the word, but a man who sincerely enjoys life and who will be able to find happiness in the journey with you is a VERY good man to have at your side.




Disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot


Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 



Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Entry #6 - My ex called...what does he want?



Hello and welcome to anyone reading!


Today we have a new read to do, from a querant who asks “My ex called; what does he want?”


Before I cleared and shuffled the deck, I assigned the positions as follows:

Card #1 – Are his intentions good?

Card #2 – Is this just a booty call?

Card #3 – Does he want money?

Card #4 – Should she consider allowing him back into her life?


And the cards drawn are:



From an intuitive perspective, without considering the positions, we have two swords and two major arcane cards; that would tell me that the querant should approach any contact with her ex from as logical as possible of a position, because the decisions she makes regarding him have the potential to have significant impact on her life.


Card #1 – Are his intentions good?

We drew the page of swords. 

Hmmm, this guy showed up just the other day!  Pages represent youth, or taking the opportunity to be young at heart – in a love question, a page is typically indicative of happy things, but also immaturity.  The page of swords specifically represents an energetic, curious & brave soul; someone whose quick thinking comes through to win the day when troubles are at hand – but that quick thinking and immaturity can also make it easy for the page of swords to lie without realizing the impact it has on someone else.  So specific to this position, I would read this as his intentions are not bad, but they could end up being bad for you – view the situation from a perspective of brutal honesty with yourself and don’t hesitate to call him on his bullshit if he appears to be being deceitful!!


Card #2 – Is this just a booty call?

We drew the Knight of swords

Knights are temporary things that move quickly through our lives, and this knight is mister “Win at ALL costs”.  He charges bravely ahead (Yay!), regardless of consequence (Boo!), but he can also represent freedom, travel, & power… so him showing up here would indicate a strong potential yes on this question – but the more important question is, would a booty call from this ex be a fabulous way to get in some heart pumping cardio, have a wonderful time, and leave the querant feeling empowered, or would it come with a resurgence of emotional connections for her that would leave her feeling abandoned when he wanders off again?   The imagery in the Santa Muerte deck for this guy, in view of the question, could be read as sexually explicit; usually I interpret this image as him being willing to die on his sword for something (that win at all costs thing), but in this context, maybe it’s more about what SHE might want to do with his sword.


Card #3 – Does he want money?

We drew the Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is a major arcane card, so is representative of something more significant than a day to day decision.  He reminds us to take time to view things from a different perspective, to accept what is – so I think this is saying that the tarot isn’t going to tell us one way or the other, because the answer isn’t yet set in stone – but when that moment comes, she’ll want to weigh the question carefully, and look for what might not be being said. 

Often the Hanged Man is a sign that this is a time to let go of something, and it’s definitely a call to remember that the best approach to a problem is not always going to be the most obvious one.  My querant needs to let go of what she wants here, and pay strong attention to what she needs. 


Not knowing the details of their relationship, this one could go a couple of different ways; as examples, maybe what she wants is to get back together with him or maybe what she wants is for him to go away, but what she needs is to focus on her own stability – and whether or not he asks for money could help tell her which way to go.  Maybe what she wants is to view herself as the benefactor in his life, and she’s using gifting him money as a way to keep him in her control to some degree, and what she needs is to let this relationship go so she can move on to one that’s healthier for her.  Or maybe what she wants is for him to NOT ask her for anything so she can avoid a potential conflict, and what she needs is to figure out how to communicate in a positive and direct way with him.  So for this one we’ll need to get some add’l clarification!


Card #4 – Should she consider allowing him back into her life?

           We drew the Chariot

The Chariot is another major arcane card, and it’s about control, a journey (physical or spiritual), and most importantly a need for balance – a chariot that’s missing a wheel can’t go anywhere fast.  The chariot is a sign that some victories are only possible through self-mastery and willpower; so my querant has a major decision to make, and the direction she goes is going to have an impact on her life.  To answer the question she needs to consider whether reconnecting with this ex is moving forward to a new and healthy relationship with him, or stepping backwards into old thoughts and patterns.  She needs to make sure that she is taking control of and responsibility for the environment around her; this is not about what he wants or how persuasive he might be, but about what she wants and needs in her life at this time to help move her journey forward - what’s right for her.   This card in this position tells me she already knows the answer, she just hasn’t admitted it to herself yet.



Disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot


Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 



Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Enrty #5 - One card pull; what do I need to know today?


Hello and welcome to anyone reading!


Today has the potential to be interesting.  Or dreadful.  So thought I’d start it off with a one card pull, with the question I’m asking being…What do I, or anyone reading this, need to know to make today the best possible day that it can be?


I cleared and shuffled the deck while thinking of the question, and because today is the 7th of May, pulled the 7th card.




So what’s the Nine of Swords all about?  Worries, anxiety, despair; sleepless nights are often associated with this card.  The Nine of Swords in this context is a very clear message that it’s time to stop worrying about what the day might bring, and start taking action to make the changes that will allow it to get better.  


When we get this card, we need to consider whether we’re allowing our worries to overcome our life, overthinking everything (as so many tarot readers and querants do) and if we’re stalling out in a place of stress rather than moving forward & making change.  Today will present opportunities that might not be here tomorrow.  We can make ourselves insane with the “what ifs” and the wondering, we can become paralyzed by the options in front of us and fear of the unknown….or we can make decisive, positive choices and start living the life we’re meant to be living instead of worrying about what might happen.


So my goal for today will be to not worry, and not over-think.  I will accept the situation as it is and as it happens, rather than trying to play chess with all the possible outcomes in my head.  I will clear my mind and my heart, and trust that my intuition will guide me correctly.  I will choose to bloom where I am planted, and will have a beautiful and fulfilling day.





Disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot


Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 



Monday, May 6, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Enrty #4 - Is she cheating on me? (Why the deck matters)

Hello and welcome to anyone reading!


Today I was browsing through one of the tarot groups I belong to on FB, and someone had asked their reader question: Is she cheating on me?

The reader pulled the 4 cards below from their deck (image shown below), and the group was fairly cackling with delight at how clear the answer was to them. 

The overall consensus was definitely a hard yes – she’s cheating, and likely with multiple men. 


I am not necessarily a fan of the general consensus answer here; I do read that this is a sensual woman that many men are interested in, but do the cards really say she’s cheating?  I’d note that even though all these men are looking at her, she’s looking in another direction; perhaps to the querant, who she really does love and is faithful to him…but this isn’t my deck, so I don’t have a strong feel for it.


I thought it would be an interesting study to pull the same cards out of my deck, and see if I felt the answer was clearer looking at cards I have a connection to.


Personally, if I were reading this question, I would not have gone with a general read; I would probably have done positions like “Does she love him?”, “Can he trust her?”, “Has she lied in the past?”, and “Is she cheating?” to allow it to be more specific, but Elvis has already left the building, so I’ll go with exactly what the original reader did/pulled, and see what these 4 cards say to me.



If I was face to face with someone and these cards came up for this question, my first instinct would be to cover the cards and explain the traits of all 4 knights to the querant, and ask him, of the knights, which one are you?  If you were going to describe your S.O. as a knight, which one would she be?  I think that would provide some interesting insight.  Since we can’t do that, let’s look at these cards from an intuitive perspective instead.


Regardless of the deck, the Empresses is a sign of luxury, abundance & beauty.  She gives off celebration, bountiful life giving forces, loving & nurturing attention – and physical/material pleasures.  Since she is the only female card in the pull, it seems pretty safe to assume that she is the querant’s significant other…but I would love to take into consideration what he had identified her as in knight terms!


Comparing the two Empresses above, the main difference to me would be that the Empress in the original deck is in her own world; she’s looking away, her colors are dark and mysterious, and none of the approaching knights seem to fit into her world.  In the Santa Muerte deck, our Empress presents a strong, passionate color connection to the Knight of Wands; she is looking at him, and he appears to be preparing to defend her – the Knight of Cups is turned to leave, but the Knight of Pentacles may present a challenge.


So a lot would depend on which knight the querant had identified himself as …


       Is he the Knight of Wands, full of energy and passion, ready to fight for his lady’s love and honor?  If so, I would say to him that their connection seems strong and perhaps his lady enjoys the safety and security of their relationship, but takes some pleasure in innocent flirting so that she can see him rise to the occasion and prove his love.  I’d suggest he make an attempt to balance his emotional side with his logical one and find a way to make it work to his advantage.


       Is he the Knight of Cups, our Lancelot; a poet and a spiritual warrior, but also prone to illusion and moodiness?  If so, I would say to him that he has made up his mind, so her guilt or innocence is irrelevant at this point; he’s already walking away from the relationship.


       Is he the Knight of Pentacles, efficient, methodical, always taking care of things?  He's a bulldog; things get done when he's on the task.  If so, it’s clear that he’s still in the game here if he wants to be, but maybe she’s viewing him as stodgy or dull because he always puts responsibilities first, and she needs some excitement – if he wants to keep her, he may have to make more of an effort in the things she’s interested in, and he needs to consider her relationship with the man most likely to represent the Knight of Wands in her life, because that’s the guy who wants her most (but nothing here suggests he’s definitely had her already – it’s a possibility, but not a certainty).


       Is he the Knight of Swords, with his “win at ALL costs” attitude? A master of logic and reason with great judgment, but NOT a master of diplomacy; perhaps he’s been tactless with her heart, and that’s opened her up to the possibility of other relationships.  If this is the knight he identified as, I would tell him that if this is the woman he wants, he’s going to have to work at expression of his emotional side to hang on to her love, because she is a passionate and desirable woman who many men would love to have…and again here, I would say to consider her relationship with the man most likely to represent the Knight of Wands in her life, because that’s the guy who wants her most (but nothing here suggests he’s definitely had her already – it’s a possibility, but not a certainty).


And that’s why the reader and the deck can dramatically change the outcome of a question!


Disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot


Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 



Friday, May 3, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Enrty #3 - Will this new job be a good one for me?


Hello and welcome to anyone reading!


I didn’t have a read to do for someone else today, so am going to do one for myself.  I recently had a change in my full time job, with a upcoming transition to a new role that will start to happen this month.  My question is: Will this new job be a good one for me?


To help get a clear answer, I’ve decided to do a 3 card pull, with position one representing “Will I like my new boss?”, position two as “Will I like my new team?”, and position 3 as “Overall, will the job be a good fit/will I be happy in it?”




We have the Page of Cups, Strength, and the 6 of Cups.  Hmmmm….


From an intuitive perspective, what I FEEL from these cards is action.   Analyzing, fighting, dancing with your arms full – these are busy totems.  And that makes sense for what I’m expecting – it’s definitely going to be more responsibility and more work than the job I had previously.  We have a full palette of colors, but the largest overall tone is that soft blue – for me that evokes a sense of peace with the answer, despite the potential workload.  (Whew!)  Specific to this question, seeing two cups  - which connect to our spiritual side, or the things we wish or pray for - could possibly be an indication that my hopes for the outcome and attitude going in are going to be important (shoot, I’ll have to remember to check my sarcasm at the door!).  I’m feeling as though the cards are saying there’s a decent chance I could like this job in the longer term.


Position one was “Will I like my new boss?” and I pulled the page of cups.   Pages represent youth, or if you're *ahem* ...not quite so young, like me... then taking the opportunity to be young at heart.  I haven’t met my new boss yet, but this is probably a signal that he’s going to be younger than I am.  Pages also represent things that move quickly through our lives, and I believe he is in the position as an interim, so that makes sense!  The page of cups specifically is about creative beginnings, peace and making connections, so with regards to this question, I think the message I need to hear is that I should go into the job with an open heart and mind, and allow good opportunities to manifest.


Position two was “Will I like my new team?” and I pulled the major arcane Strength card.  This makes me laugh (I will apparently be working with a group of engineers, so this fits well)!!  The strength card is about courage, lust (or in a work question, passion/ambition), but also control, restraint, and compassion – I believe the message here is that this is a team that will challenge me and test my strength, but that if I can think first with my head and keep my emotions in check – not allowing anger and frustration to rule – then it will provide opportunities to use my skills, knowledge and inner strength to help move my career forward.  Whenever I get the strength card, I think of this fable:  (credit to https://www.oneyoufeed.net/tale-of-two-wolves/ for the screen shot)


My third card represents “Overall, will the job be a good fit/will I be happy in it?”, and the answer is the 6 of Cups.  In a traditional deck, the 6 of Cups is all about nostalgia/lost love, childhood influences, memories, innocence.   It would indicate this could be a role in which I might feel loved (or at least liked), appreciated and secure. 

The same applies in the Santa Muerte deck, but here I think the images are what really speak to me; her arms are full, she is watching the cups, and spilling some of the water – she’s got a lot going on…but she’s dancing, and around her the plants are showing new growth.  I read this as saying the job will be imperfect, maybe chaotic, but there’s at least a chance it’s going to be a position that I can be happy and grow in.


Overall I’m happy with the outcome here – disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot


Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!! 



Fibonacci Tarot Blog Entry #12 - 3 more quick reads

    Hello and welcome to anyone reading! Continuing with the  series of quick 3 card reads …   The querant provided the numbe...