Friday, May 3, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Enrty #3 - Will this new job be a good one for me?


Hello and welcome to anyone reading!


I didn’t have a read to do for someone else today, so am going to do one for myself.  I recently had a change in my full time job, with a upcoming transition to a new role that will start to happen this month.  My question is: Will this new job be a good one for me?


To help get a clear answer, I’ve decided to do a 3 card pull, with position one representing “Will I like my new boss?”, position two as “Will I like my new team?”, and position 3 as “Overall, will the job be a good fit/will I be happy in it?”




We have the Page of Cups, Strength, and the 6 of Cups.  Hmmmm….


From an intuitive perspective, what I FEEL from these cards is action.   Analyzing, fighting, dancing with your arms full – these are busy totems.  And that makes sense for what I’m expecting – it’s definitely going to be more responsibility and more work than the job I had previously.  We have a full palette of colors, but the largest overall tone is that soft blue – for me that evokes a sense of peace with the answer, despite the potential workload.  (Whew!)  Specific to this question, seeing two cups  - which connect to our spiritual side, or the things we wish or pray for - could possibly be an indication that my hopes for the outcome and attitude going in are going to be important (shoot, I’ll have to remember to check my sarcasm at the door!).  I’m feeling as though the cards are saying there’s a decent chance I could like this job in the longer term.


Position one was “Will I like my new boss?” and I pulled the page of cups.   Pages represent youth, or if you're *ahem* ...not quite so young, like me... then taking the opportunity to be young at heart.  I haven’t met my new boss yet, but this is probably a signal that he’s going to be younger than I am.  Pages also represent things that move quickly through our lives, and I believe he is in the position as an interim, so that makes sense!  The page of cups specifically is about creative beginnings, peace and making connections, so with regards to this question, I think the message I need to hear is that I should go into the job with an open heart and mind, and allow good opportunities to manifest.


Position two was “Will I like my new team?” and I pulled the major arcane Strength card.  This makes me laugh (I will apparently be working with a group of engineers, so this fits well)!!  The strength card is about courage, lust (or in a work question, passion/ambition), but also control, restraint, and compassion – I believe the message here is that this is a team that will challenge me and test my strength, but that if I can think first with my head and keep my emotions in check – not allowing anger and frustration to rule – then it will provide opportunities to use my skills, knowledge and inner strength to help move my career forward.  Whenever I get the strength card, I think of this fable:  (credit to for the screen shot)


My third card represents “Overall, will the job be a good fit/will I be happy in it?”, and the answer is the 6 of Cups.  In a traditional deck, the 6 of Cups is all about nostalgia/lost love, childhood influences, memories, innocence.   It would indicate this could be a role in which I might feel loved (or at least liked), appreciated and secure. 

The same applies in the Santa Muerte deck, but here I think the images are what really speak to me; her arms are full, she is watching the cups, and spilling some of the water – she’s got a lot going on…but she’s dancing, and around her the plants are showing new growth.  I read this as saying the job will be imperfect, maybe chaotic, but there’s at least a chance it’s going to be a position that I can be happy and grow in.


Overall I’m happy with the outcome here – disagree with the read?  Comment below and let me know why! I’d love to hear from you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot


Want me to read for you?  Check out the shop on Etsy, where you can purchase a single question or six month read specific to you!!


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