Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Fibonacci Tarot Blog Enrty #1


Hello and welcome to anyone reading!

This is the first entry to the Fibonacci Tarot Blog!


Now that I’ve got the shop up and running on Etsy, thought I’d get this going as a companion piece, so people could check out what I do and get a feel for my style of reading!


So for today, to start off nice and easy, thought I’d pull a “Card of the Moment” and see what it has to say.

My question would be: What do I - or anyone reading this - need to know today, so that my day can be as successful and positive as it can possibly be?


And my card is…

The Five of Pentacles



The five of pentacles is a card that’s focused on isolation, insecurity, worry and rejection.   In a traditional tarot deck, we usually see downtrodden figures out in the cold, while nearby is a building full of warmth and light; in the Santa Muerte deck we see someone walking away from us, stepping on the skulls of others; literally walking over others to get to something. 


We all have moments in our lives where we get caught up in the myopic, where our day-to-day struggles seem so overwhelmingly negative and frustrating that it’s easy to forget how blessed we are to live in the time and place that we do, in the lives that we have.   Sometimes we’re so focused on the negative that we simply can’t see that we are inches away from something or someone who can help us bring that light and warmth back into our lives.  And sometimes we’re so focused on a goal, a mission, a next step, that we’ve stop seeing who we might be walking on & what damage we might be causing on our way there.


So today’s message is don't get so caught up in your unhappiness that you fail to see help at hand.  Refuse to be the victim in any facet of your life;  change what you can, work on accepting what you can't, redirect to the positives …and if you need help, reach out.  You might just be surprised by what you find out there waiting for you!  And if you are so fortunate as to currently be in a place of happiness, health, and joy, then today is your day to look around you and see who you can help bring up to that place with you.


Wishing you all a most blessed day!

Paula @ FibonacciTarot



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Fibonacci Tarot Blog Entry #12 - 3 more quick reads

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